I was not expecting this to be my first Budapest restaurant review of 2023, but I was invited to Sir Lancelot’s Restaurant for a birthday party. I’m a sucker for any kind of themed party, so my only answer was “Yes, my liege!” And off we went!

What can you expect when you visit a Medieval-themed restaurant in Budapest?
Well, the waiter ties a bib around your neck before you start eating; that’s how you know what you’re in for.
Something that surprised me was the sheer size of the place! After I passed by the painted banners and carved effigies of noble knights, there were rows and rows of tables–I guess pretending you’re in the Dark Ages is a popular activity.
We settled into our spot and started browsing the menu–you have to do a bit of translating as they have themed names for everything, but it made me giggle. You can order á la carte, but I decided to throw all caution to the wind and order the Blue Knight’s Feast, complete with cheesey onion soup, a silver platter of various meats, pickles, and potatoes, and a hearty portion of dessert (not to mention a welcome shot of pálinka). Merlin’s beard, it was a lot of food!

Good times were had by all! After we got bibbed we made a toast and promptly started drinking out of our flaggons (turns out, anything tastes better when you drink it out of a flaggon). We enjoyed our meals as the night went on, some making do with the provided spoon and knife, and some just diving in with their hands (there are handwashing stations around the room). Every once in awhile, the lights would dim, anachronistic music would come over the speakers, and a belly dancer or fire breather would treat us to a show.
My the end of the night, my stomach was bursting from food and my sides were hurting from laughter. Was Lancelot’s Restaurant historically accurate? Probably not. But was it a fun time? Yes, my liege.
You can book your experience here! Go make some memories, My Liege!
Xx Denae
P.S.–they won’t split the bill of your party, so make sure to bring cash or plan accordingly!
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